Marketing Plans
- Sample marketing plans online.
- Building Your Marketing Plan See the in depth series on “How Marketing Plans Work”
- Provides insights from industry experts on how to stretch your small business marketing dollars.
- Marketing Plan SBA’s course on how to develop a marketing plan.
- How to Write a Marketing Plan
Product Management and Branding
Marketing Tips
- Effective Marketing Guide from the SBA.
- Sales Marketing Network how-to and reference information about sales and marketing.
- Sales and Marketing Tips
- Advertising to Sales Ratios yearly statistics by SIC from AdAge Magazine.
- Advertising Research Tips Offers techniques for all points of advertising
Advertising Law
- Advertising Fact Sheets for Small Businesses – FTC fact sheets that explain how to comply with laws covering truth-in-advertising, marketing, and product labeling laws and regulations. Includes information on specific types of products and services.
- Advertising Guidance Documents – Detailed guidance, policy statements, workshops and notifications issued by the FTC on a variety of advertising laws and regulations.
- Frequently Asked Questions : A Guide for Small Business – Answers to common questions about truth in advertising laws, unfair practices, and rules that apply to specific products and types of advertising.
- Green Lights & Red Flags : FTC Rules of the Road for Advertisers – Information about workshops offered nationwide about complying with federal truth-in-advertising laws.
Pricing Rules
- Guide Against Deceptive Pricing – Guidance on how to comply with laws regarding comparison and bargain pricing.
- Guide Against Bait Advertising – Learn how to avoid illegal bait and switch tactics when pricing products.
- Guide Concerning the Use of the Word “Free” and Similar Representations – Learn the proper ways to advertise “free” items, such as “buy one, get one free.”
- Good Pricing Practices – It is against the law to charge more than the advertised shelf price for a product. Stores that do may be subject to civil and criminal fines. This guide provides suggestions for pricing your products and services.
Endorsements and Testimonials
- Guide Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising –
Explains how to advertise using endorsements from customers, experts and critical reviews.
Photo by Behzad Ghaffarian on Unsplash